Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sam has arrived!!!

Samuel Thomas Stach was born on March 15th, 2011 at 4:04am. He weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz. and is 20" long. He is healthy and very happy! We were released from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and are staying in Florida for another week until all paper work has been signed by the states of Florida and Missouri. We can't wait to bring him home and introduce him to all of our friends & family! He is such a peaceful baby and is sleeping and eating well so far. He had his first doctors appointment yesterday and he has already gained an oz. I hope to post the full update of his birth story in the days to come.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Big Boy

We spoke with BM on our conference call on Monday. It was great to hear her voice and catch up since we hadn't spoken in a few months. She is doing well and ready for labor. She went to Disneyland for her grandmother's birthday this past weekend. She said she was hoping all the walking would have put her into labor but I guess that didn't work! She asked how things are going here and if we have the nursery ready. We had shown her pictures of the nursery as we had it before with Annabelle and then we just recently sent her pictures of the new baby boy nursery we have made it into. She was happy to hear that it was all ready for him.

We received some exciting news from this weeks doctor appointment! Baby boy is estimated to be weighing approximately 7 lbs. 11 oz. at this point. We were glad to hear he was at a healthy weight and doing good. His heart rate is currently 140 bpm. BM was hoping to be induced this coming week but the doctor told her he wouldn't induce until March 25th at the earliest. The doctor did say she was dilated to 2cm and could go into labor at anytime.

We continue to pray for the arrival of baby boy and that he is healthy. We also pray for BM that she has a safe delivery and follows through with her plans of placement.

These past few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions and we are so happy to finally see an end in sight! We are just waiting for that phone call for now. Bags are packed and ready to go.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Busy couple of weeks for BM

I don't have much new info right now but I thought I would share a few things. BM had a dentist appointment last week as she had been having a toothache. Come to find out she had an abscessed tooth (no fun!) so she went in this week and had to have a root canal to take care of it. It needed to be handled ASAP because if left untreated could have lead to an infection that could have spread to the baby. We just received confirmation that the root canal went fine and everyone is doing good! Wednesday was her regular check-up with the doctor. Everything is still on track for the week of the 14th. On Monday, we have a conference call with BM just to say hi and see how she is doing. We haven't spoken to her since January so it will be nice to catch up on how she is doing. Then Monday after the call she will have another follow up dentist appointment. Monday afternoon she has a scheduled ultrasound to see how baby is doing. Hopefully this might tell us a little bit better when we might expect a call or if they might induce her. That would be the perfect scenario but we all know this is not a perfect world :-) We would love to know when to be there so we could be in the delivery room with her. We've had many prayers answered so far so I am still hoping for that perfect scenario!