Samuel Thomas Stach was born on March 15th, 2011 at 4:04am. He weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz. and is 20" long. He is healthy and very happy! We were released from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and are staying in Florida for another week until all paper work has been signed by the states of Florida and Missouri. We can't wait to bring him home and introduce him to all of our friends & family! He is such a peaceful baby and is sleeping and eating well so far. He had his first doctors appointment yesterday and he has already gained an oz. I hope to post the full update of his birth story in the days to come.
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Continuing to pray often for you two.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again! We are so happy for you! Welcome Sam! Your Mama and Daddy have been waiting a long time for you! God Bless! Gretchen and Family
ReplyDeleteSam...what a fine name for such a handsome little cherub. I am so happy for you and even happier for the new family Sam has been welcomed into. Have been thinking of you. God bless you and your new bundle of joy. Cheri Procter
ReplyDeleteCongrats!! How exciting, and he is just beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYeah!!!!! congrats!!
ReplyDeleteMeagan, I love little Sammy so much! He is just precious, and such a good baby. What an amazing experience we had in Florda. I am so grateful that I could be there with you for the arrival of Samuel Thomas Stach. You and Glen are so blessed with this wonderful gift, and you both are so deserving. You will be great parents. I am so looking foward to spending time with Sammy.