Sunday, April 18, 2010

Broken Promises

Glen and I had a great time in Nashville last weekend! But, we broke our promise to not have so much fun on Friday night that we waste our Saturday away. We arrived in Nashville on Friday afternoon just in time to hit a Krystals for lunch. Then we headed to Dave Ramsey's office so I could have my picture taken in front of his building. That was the highlight of the trip for me!! After checking into our hotel we headed downtown for a little bit of shopping. I found a cute top in one of the little boutiques. Then we went into The Wheel for our first drink of the day. They had a great singer, Megan, that was very entertaining. We had a few drinks there and then headed back to our hotel to get freshened up for the night. Our first stop of the night was at Roberts. We had some great hamburgers and listened to two good bands. They had a wonderful group playing bluegrass which was quite fun! By 7:00 the crowd was starting to get rowdy! So we headed over to Tootsie's. Upon entering Tootsie's at 7:00 there were already bar dancers and stage dancers! We knew we got there at a good time! We stayed at Tootsie's the rest of the night. It was so much fun! We met quite a few people and had a good time talking. By the end of the night, I was one of the stage dancers! I don't know why I do that but I hope to end my stage dancing days there. Saturday we slept in and didn't get out and about until late afternoon for lunch. We went to a great Italian restaurant called Demos for dinner. Printer's Alley was our next stop on the list. There are only a few choices for bars in the alley. One choice was "Nude Karaoke" or Lonnie's for Karaoke. We chose Lonnie's as we had been there before and had a great time. No, Glen nor I did any singing that night! Sunday we got up and headed to Pancake Pantry for breakfast. We had a fantastic time in Nashville but we were glad to be going back home to get some rest.

I went to my Dr. this week to have a sonogram to see how the pills they gave me a few weeks ago worked. Good lining had gone down to a 3 and my ovaries looked good, so we are starting our first month for IUI. I received my medication on Friday and started our first round of injections Saturday night. I have a pen with a little needle that goes on it and I give the shot to myself every night for 5 days. I was a little nervous about doing it myself but after doing the first one it was so easy and I didn't even feel it. Thursday of this week I will go in again to have another sonogram to see how the follicles are maturing. We are over the first hurdle of this process so we are praying that this weeks sonogram goes just as well.

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