Friday, August 6, 2010

The Journey Begins

Well, it has been way too long since the last time I wrote - I do apologize. We literally have been so busy I haven't had the time to sit down and write all the exciting things going on with us.

After much thought and prayer over the past few months, Glen and I finally decided to pursue adoption! On July 15th we met with Adoption & Beyond to discuss our plan with them. Steffany Aye, the director at Adoption & Beyond, was very welcoming and gave us great information on where to begin our journey. We left that evening with a Homestudy workbook in hand. If you can guess, I had almost the entire book filled out by the end of the weekend! At this point we are done with all the paperwork, getting our physicals next week and then turning in the workbook on Thursday, August 12th. We are completely ready for this and super excited for this great journey of finding our child to begin. As many of you know, we sent out an email telling everyone of our decision to adopt. We were hoping to find a birthmother on our own but will also be using a referral service that searches the US to match us with a birthmother. This type of service usually finds a match within a year or less. We are keeping our fingers crossed and praying that our match comes sooner rather than later. We still have our in-home study to do, hopefully within the next month. This is when a social worker will visit our home to make sure it is kid friendly and safe. Then they will interview Glen and me separately and together. After that meeting we will be on the waiting list! I hope to keep everyone posted on this blog with all of our updates as we go through this journey. We have a lot of reading to do along with other usual life activities so I hope to make time to sit down and write. I have started a handwritten journal to document everything we do as well. I hope to one day give this journal to our son or daughter so they will know how we came to be there parents - it is titled "Our Journey to You." Just writing that title makes me feel so blessed that we are doing this and following what we feel God has lead us to do. We want to raise the child that is meant for us, however that child comes into our life.

We have also started our Marriage Prep classes with an engaged couple. Glen and I have enjoyed this tremendously. Discussing all of the topics with the couple has been great for us as well. I can tell this is something that we were meant to do and it feels great!

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