Sunday, October 24, 2010

March 14, 2011

We have officially been matched with a birthmohter and her due date is March 14, 2011!!!!! Glen and I are both so excited and can't wait for the arrival of the baby. We were matched with a birthmother from Florida last Sunday, October
17th. We hope to find out the gender of the baby in the next week or two.

We can't explain the emotions that we have gone through in the last week. God is shining down on us and we are so thankful for His love. From the start of this journey, we have followed where He has lead us and we are so grateful to be where we are today.

We ask that our friends & family pray for the birthmother: that she delivers a healthy baby and prayers for her to be at peace with her decision in her adoption plan.

Thank you all for your support and prayers on this journey we have begun!


  1. Oh my THANKS TO GOD!!! Happy days ahead! How wonderfully exciting for you! I am so pleased Meagan! God Bless you all! :)

  2. I just saw what Kim wrote on your page and rushed to your blog and now I am in tears for you. I am so excited and can't wait to hear all about it. This is it are going to be a mom. :)
