Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week with the cousins

Shelley, Morgan & McKenna came into town last week. We had a great time hanging out with them for a full week. Shelley meet Sammy in April but this was the first time Morgan & McKenna had met him. Sammy got to stay home from daycare one day while they watched him. He had a great time getting to know his cousins. Here is a picture of Sammy with his cousins: Morgan, McKenna, Reagan & Rylee.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Infertility Sucks

Yep, I said it.....infertility sucks! After battling infertility since the loss of Annabelle almost 3 years ago, Glen and I both have struggled with the question, "why us?" Well, we now know that answer. As much as infertility sucks it has also been the greatest blessing of our life. Without infertility, we would have never had Sam come into our life. Sam is the greatest gift God could have ever given us and I would go through all the months of negative pregnancy tests, failed/cancelled IUI's, surgeries, blood draws and days of crying all over again. I always wondered when we would realize "why us" and every time I look at Sam I know. I pray that all my friends going through infertility will soon know their answer to "why us?"

I have had several people ask me if I will continue going to my infertility support group now that we have Sam. The answer is "yes." As I am still infertile and we want to continue to grow our family. We are currently seeing a Natural Family Planning doctor that is trying to help me get pregnant naturally. We know that it can happen. I have been pregnant 2 times now without any assistance; 1 stillbirth at 35 weeks and 1 miscarriage at 10 weeks. Maintaining the pregnancy is an obvious factor at this point. My doctor will test my Estradiol levels through ovulation this next month. Glen & I also had genetics testing done recently. We had genetics testing done on Annabelle but never did it on ourselves. They both came back normal which was a great relief.